We spent two nights with the VH family and then off to NJ for a two night visit there.
Sadie loves to do crafting. I bought her a kit to make bracelets from strings. It looked easy to do. BUT not so. The directions were not good. Ellen and Jim both looked on the web and still had trouble understanding how to make the bracelet. The art project was not a success. The next morning Jim and Sadie went to Michaels and they bought a device , loom, to knit with. Sadie already made a scarf. As you see Emma is wearing her bumble bee outfit. As usual.
Sadie working on the scarf.

Finished scarf with Emma watching.

Here is Holden the champ on baseball.

Adley kissing her dad through the fence at the game . Dave is a coach and this is something he talked about when his son was born. He wanted Holden to play, love baseball. And he got his wish.

Off for more ice cream to celebrate.

Friday the dog, looking very handsome.

We had forgotten that we had plans for lunch in Pittsburgh, the day we were driving back from NJ. So out of bed and in the car at 6:00 AM. And lunch with Shirley and Stan that moved to Florida a few years ago.
We have spent the last month cleaning the house and we put it on the market, for nine days. We thought we would build a townhouse in Chapel Harbor. The house would look over the river. Then we came to our senses. We would have the noise of the train, as the house is right next to it. There was a driveway issue. It is shared with six houses and very narrow. Still walking up two flights of steps as it was a town house. And the cost was more than we would sell our house. It made no sense.
I discovered that my house is OLD. Twenty six years gives you a dated kitchen and bathrooms. We have a little backyard. People love the large rooms and open areas. But NO granite or double oven or stainless steel. New owners want everything in the house in move in condition. No fixer ups. I like the house and we will stay in it until we figure out where to move at a later date.
Mollie and Nathan went to,the Science center. Cute picture.

Maya's girlfriend is a good photographer. She took pictures of her with a friend and they are beautiful!

Location:Springhouse Ln,Pittsburgh,United States