Sunday, November 25, 2012


Abe was in a program at school. He sang, drummed, played the recorder, and played the guitar alone while his class sang. If you go to YouTube and type in smelhead, Abe guitar solo at CDs school, you can hear it. He was great and I was so proud of him.

Kindergarten and fifth grade. Abe is in the second from top row, fourth in from the left, in a brown shirt.

Laura shopped at Capricio and was looking very stylish.

The K kids spent Thanksgiving eve and day with us. Jack taught them to eat peanut butter and Ritz crackers sandwiches into a bowl of chicken noodle soup. The men went to see the James Bond movie. Mollie and I had a beauty night. She polished my toe nails covering a lot of skin also.

I made a 24 pound turkey and had the smallest crowd ever, 11 people.

The turkey was good. All the food was good. But I wish we had a FAMILY like the old days. Ernie was too weak to leave his house, and the other half of the family were at the Pearl house.

Adley and the dog Friday are a pair. When we Face Time with the G family, the minute she sees me, she says, POPPA. I said, what am I chopped liver? She only has eyes for the men in her life. And Friday is a boy dog, before he got fixed!

Photo of all the g grandkids.

Mollie went shopping on the Ave. and got purple Merrill shoes and stickers for her face.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Oyster Roast in HHI. Adley is 2 years olds

Every year our neighbor has an oyster roast. It is great fun. Those that do not eat oyster has hot dogs and everyone brings some type of food.
Joey P and Tobin S

People eating the oysters.

Shirley W and Jane G

The B twins are visiting and I ran over to visit. Give kisses and play. They are 6 months old. Zoey and Madison

Here is Adley at two years old. Nov. 18

Adley at 1 year

Adley 6 months in orphanage. She came to her forever family at seven months.

Flight to the USA. Nov 5

The flight home was through Munich, Germany. From waking up at 4:00 in the AM, Luggage out of room at 4:30. Leave boat at 5:30. We are on the road for 20 hours. I listened to every movie, concert, etc. on the plane. My iPad ran out of power writing the blog. I watched the movie, Chocolate , three times. Dave met us at the airport and we stayed at the house in NJ which had just gotten their electricity and heat back in the house. Eve was in PA staying at our house with heat, hot water for food and showers and TV. The town is a disaster area. Homes still dark. Trees down all over the place. Monday morning David took us and his parents to the airport for the snow birds to fly south. We suffered great jet lag from this trip. And then the H twins arrive on Friday. We were back to life by the time they got out of the car. I had cooked before the vacation and we were ready for fun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Food 3



Birthday cake

Captain's dinner--1 captain
1 head chef, 8 chefs. 2 dishwashers. 2 sailers. 5 cleaners. 4 tour staff. 4 waiters

Kitchen with chef

Cooking demo of chocolate lava cake

More food

Coco vin




1/2 blt with frites





Food on France

This is a sample of the food on the boat . Servings were small but very good. Every meal, dessert and main course, was different.
Ice cream


Buffet salads

Sample desserts

Candy dish

Fillet beef

1/2 lobster Thermidor

Cheese plate