Friday, May 24, 2013

Mother's Day

Pictures of my lovely girls where they were young. This is my grandmother, Bee Hack , Kossis, Meyers, Firman. She was married 4 times. Widowed 3. Men loved her. She was fat, shapeless, sloppy,. And told the best dirty jokes, the life of a party, good cook and fun. Not the typical grandmother. She was modern thinking. Got rid of old things. She would have understood, the gay lifestyle, mixed marriage, etc.
My mother Beatrice Kossis, Barnett. We do not know what or if they had middle names. She was married 3 times. My father died 50 years ago. She never should have married again as she became a castrating Bitch to her husbands. My dad was her one love and they did have a good marriage.
The picture was taken 2 weeks after Ellen was born. I gained 12 pounds with Ellen. 11 lb with Eve. 25 lb with Laura. I did babies WELL. I am wearing a high waisted pair of slacks. My figure was back and my weight was 110. Those were the days!

My sister all dressed in blue. Taken at Joyce's apt. Where we are eating dinner every night as Ernie is in hospice.

After one week of hospice and being at Joyce's apartment every day, Ernie died peacefully. Rosa and I cooked dinners every night. This was done by cleaning out Joyce's refrigerator of everything I could find. The problem is she had three refrigerators. An addition to joyce's apartment is the party room and gym next to her apt. She uses the kitchen there to store extra things. The refrigerators (2 in party room) were stored with little bits or things. We had a steak night. Two chicken dinners. Pasta with pork, shrimp and clam sauce. Joyce sat with Ernie the entire time. She would come out for a meal and go back to her husband of 49 years. The hospice aides and help are saints. Such caring people. We then spent the next five nights eating dinners with family. There was no shiva since it was a holiday. But people came every night to visit and we had quite a crowd.
Ernest Pearl. Died May 13, 2013. Interesting, brother in law Ed Averbach died July 13, 2007. I hope the number 13 is not repeated with one other tragedy. He drank scotch every day and smoked until he could not. He never over ate and was buried in his wedding suit.

May 28, 1963. 50 years ago, My father, Herman Barnett died. We do not know if he had a middle name. He was 59 years young. He was a quiet man. He was a pharmacist before most people were able to go to college. He owned two drug stores with soda counters. He loved compounding drugs and realized that his job was changing. My parents moved from Canton, Ohio to Pittsburgh and opened a waste paper plant with my mother's brother. Uncle Bud knew nothing about the business and was not a hard worker. The business was very successful but my dad died too young for all the money. Parents married when my father at 32 yrs and my mom was 25. He got ill when I was 12. Dies when I was 17. I do not remember a healthy, fun, involved father. I can not get past the bad years when he was ill. He loved poetry and classical music. Read poetry to my mom while she was in labor with me.

Daddy, Rosa, mother, ruth, Joyce

Picture taken two weeks before daddy died. It was a debutante ball for a Jewish organization. He was so ill and his mind was confused from poisons. And I was angry with him as he could not learn the dance. If my mother had been honest with us, I would have understood that he was sick and dying. I became the queen of the ball by pulling the longest ribbon. He did not understand things and had to be pushed and led through everything.

The good and bad of A family death. Eve drove in with Adley for the funeral. Ellen drove in with Sadie and Emma. I had wanted to see the girls and I got my visit. Ellen brought a ton of play doe for them.

Eating pudding

We took Adley to the Children's museum for a day.
She loved everything there. Adley loves loves her black velvet dress. I wiped it down the second day so she could wear it again. Will she still be wearing it in the summer? Even though she brought plenty of other dresses. Painting


Frozen yogurt for lunch.

Holden had a band concert.

We have a new cousin. Claire Beatrice Phillips. Daughter of Rachael Bleckman and Bradley Phillips. Granddaughter of Gail and Marshall Bleckman.
Born. May 15,2013. 7 lb 9 oz

Jack and I went to temple Friday night with my sisters. Sad, Sad. The music was sad and beautiful. When you are sad , maybe Jewish services do not make your spirits lift. There was a family there that the mother died one year ago. She was 52 years old left three kids, 13-18. Breast Cancer. Very successful lawyer and loved in the jewish community. She had many years to prepare for her death. She planned the funeral. it was held at the temple and was standing room. The children participated in the service tonight. The father sat and never smiled the entire service. Also at the service, There was Fritz Oppenheimer. He is less than five feet, in his nineties, and a survivor of Shindler's list. He speaks all over the city about his life during the Holocaust. He goes to the K kids school to talk. I hope he is still alive and healthy when my grandkids are of the age he speaks to their grade.
I just finished reading a book on the best sellers list. The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. If I had know ahead of time it was about the Holocaust I would not have read the book. It was a good story, but a few year ago, I said no more books on that subject, for me. Let people that do not know the horrors read those books. It put me in a not good mood.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Back in the Burg

Monday, May, 6.
We are home. We went straight to Laura's for a lamb chop dinner. Kids were excited to see us. Mollie told me I will be dead when she has kids. I agreed with her. Also why do I wear red all the time. Why do I wear pearls. The short necklace was a engagement from Naomi and Manny Morris. and I have always loved them. Emma and Mollie both want to know why my hair is white.
Then over to visit brother in law Ernie. He is dying of double lung cancer. Diagnosed March 20, although he have been failing the past few months. He also has Parkinson's. He is confused and weak and it is very sad. He smoked every day that I knew him. And that is 50 years. If you are reading this, and you smoke, try to quit NOW.
Always issues coming home. My car tire had a nail in it and the tire was flat. So I got two new tires for the car. And the battery on my watch died. The air conditioning in my almost 12 year old car is not working.

I went to a Zumba class today for the first time. It was fun. Also went to a weight / strength training class. Very good instructors.
Sat. May11
We attended Alex Farber's Bar Mitzvah in the AM. He did a fine job. I do not like the rabbi at their temple. He is loud and clown / funny type. Very large fat man that walks around the sanctuary during the service and is talking to people all the time. I think it is rude and not approximate. He belongs in the front of the temple and should just run the service. Well he has some problem. It could be with the temple members, someone said. In the middle of the service, he began to cry. This was when we were saying prayers for the sick people. He walked out of the room and the wife went running. He eventually returned. They had a lovely lunch after the service. I love the sour cream bunt cake.
Friday was Grandparents Day at the K school. CDS school or Community Day School. First there was a breakfast. And it was the best. Lox and bagels. Coffee cakes and egg and tuna salads. And large bowls of fruits. Of course there was a little fund raising talk. We then went to Abe and Nathan's classrooms. I went to Nathan and Jack was with Abe. We did projects in the room. The Hebrew teacher did a lesson. They used the "smart board" to show a film. Nathan drew a picture of me. He put freckles on my face which are old age marks!. Then he asked me questions about myself. First date with grandpa and where we went. A dark bar in case I was a dog face! Favorite memory of childhood. Time I spent with my grandmother. She was quite an women. And she loved us strongly. Family was everything to her. Her mother died when she was very young. She was raised by sisters.

Written by Nathan

Smart board is the white board in back of picture.

This is the cafeteria main room at the school. It was first a church and this is the sanctuary. You can see the confessionals in the back. I grew up two blocks from the school and many of my Catholic friends and neighbors went here. CDS was very lucky to be able to buy the property. The church was also lucky to find a school that could use it and keep the building the same. They took the crosses down and any glass windows that were not right. When you are in the building, you can still feel that it was a church. There is also the building where the nuns lived. And a secret tunnel connecting the two buildings. They are going to dig it out this summer.
Then we went to eat lunch at our favorite Pizza place. I have been eating this pizza since I was a child. My mother though pizza was junk food and we almost never had it a home!

Jack took the boys to the movies in the afternoon.
Laura and I walked Murray Ave or went shopping. Then we went to pick Mollie up from Pre K. She was excited to have her grandma there. I missed grandparents day at the school and I am going to go one morning and do something special for the class. Laura bought her the long black skirt at Target. It gets very long in the back. She loves the skirt. She looks like the orthodox Jewish girls on the street in this outfit. They all wear modest clothes. And this would be the uniform for school.

Ernie is still hanging to life. There is 24/7 aides and hospice at the house. Joyce stays in the bedroom with him ALL day. I have been going over in the afternoon and make dinners. Joyce is upset about all the food in the refrig. Little bits of this and that. So Rosa and I are cooking up everything we see. Once Ernie dies, people will start bringing food and the refrig will fill up again. The past month food arrived along with what Joyce had in it. She lives in a condo. 8 apts. on a floor. But the party room and exercise room is on her floor. So only 6 apts. The party room is an extension of her apt. I use it to go the the bathroom. She has filled up the two refrig in the room. That is where she always has her parties. You can use two kitchens. Not a bad deal.
One night we ate salmon that was from someone had half baked. I then took all the vegetables in the freezer ( kale, broccoli , corn, onions etc.) and did a stir fry. We ate all the dumplings as a starch.
Chicken with pineapple, onion, dry soup mix. Pasta with seafood in it. A salad with all the vegetables we see. Fun is cooking, this way, in such a terrible situation.
Pasta with shrimp, pork and clam sauce


Chicken with pineapple, onions, green peppers, onion soup mix, wine.

Andy or Herman are at the apt. all the time. So someone is with Joyce. It is one week with hospice and the end near. Last Sunday we visited with Ernie. He was confused and wanted out of bed and to leave. We said we would see him tomorrow. He said he would not be here. I asked where he would be? He said at the big party or apt. Not sure which word. I thought he meant, he would be dead. Jack felt understood it as he was going to a party and was confused. Since then no one sees him and he is not responding to people anyway. Joyce does not want anyone to see him. So I sit in the living room, quietly. I go and cook in the party room. It keeps the noise and smells there.
The sister in blue. We all wore the same color one night.
Ruth 67, Joyce 75, Rosa 71

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jazz and a picnic, Bernstein visit, last week in HHI

Interesting web page about an orphanage in China.
We are saying goodbye to HHI and getting ready to head back to Pittsburgh. The Beach Club will be torn down in August and a new, fancy larger building will replace it. In cool, windy weather we tend to sit in the PIT. It is the area of the dunes. It will be warmer and protected from the wind. The new building will be build over the PIT. Many people are not happy about certain aspects of the new building and this is one.

We has the deck and dock stained. Pictures are in the last post. Well there seems to be a problem. It looks worse after the man finished and needs to be redone.


We went to a Jazz concert at Palmetto Bluff. Took a picnic dinner and heard good music. There were the makings of somores in the hotel. Shirley and I went and had a little dessert.

Musicians from the Jazz Club.

This is Weds. With Shirley and the other Ruth was also there.

Marshmallow, chocolate, graham cracker=campfires at camp

On the Monday bike ride, I saw this cruiser outside the Harbour Town area. We never see boats this large in our area. Strange!

I had a bib lettuce BLT salad. It was a pain to eat but it did look pretty.

Mollie had a Chinese sort of Day. I love the combo of outfits she puts together. She will laugh when she is older looking at this picture. She is getting ready for her dance recital and is bubbling with excitement. I had a video of her in a dress rehearsal and it is so cute and funny. The outfit with tutu does not itch her this year. She had her ears pierced in Dec. somehow, she got an infection in one ear and Laura took them out. So we will have to start all over.

Nathan had his 8th birthday April 29. What a sweet boy.

Picture from his birthday party, movie night at the house.

Dinner at Eat in Park

We have dinner with a group of friends once a week. Here is the final dinner of our season with them.
Thea, Frannie, me

Jack ,Artie , Richard

Barbara and Howard B came to visit for two nights. I made soft snell crabs one night and they were GOOD.

Barbara asked me to not put pictures of her on the blog. Instead she wants the three granddaughters posted. So here goes. The girls just turned one year old.
Vivi, daughter of David and Sara

Madison or Zoe. Identical twin of Michael and Joelle

We looked out our window this morning and saw two otters swimming. I took a picture, but they were too far away. See the water moving!

Ellen is visiting Eve this weekend.
They are holding a little bunny rabbit.

Emma and Adley

Sadie, Adley, Maya, Emma, Holden

The final evening, we went to a neighbors house for a Kentucky Derby party.
Early to bed and early on the road Sunday 6:30 AM to our other house and a different life.