See the red line on the street.

There are cars that you can drive without a drivers license. When you get a license, you are given 12 points. If you get a speeding ticket or parking, you will lose some points. Get them back, two per year. These special cars do not drive over 25 miles an hour and can not be taken on the highway. Not a bad car to drive locally. But it costs the same as a real car.


Modern stain glass windows in an 1100 church. It had renovations from different eras.

Older windows

Town from Roman times. Walls from old church

Now is town hall.

In old days, they paid taxes only for the square feet on the first floor. So people would build larger about for second floor and again larger for third floor. Soon there was no sun in the street.

Crepe maker. Look at the size of the Nutella jar!

Hot chocolate because it was cold and the only way we could use a toilette.

Little train we took to cathedral at top of city.

Looking over Vienne. See the Roman theatre on the bottom.

Jack and I are tired of looking at churches. And suddenly I feel angry. Where are the synagogues? Jewish cemeteries. Jews lived here in 1930. Gone and dead/ killed now.
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