It is a long time since I blogged. I have learned a lesson. You have to keep up with it. When I let a few weeks go by without a blog, it became a chore to get caught up. So here are the last five weeks of info.
Jack and I had "The Cough". We were sick for two weeks and worn out. It required many naps, tissues and cough drops.
Laura and stu were in charge of a CDS Gala. Laura wore a beautiful new dress and they danced all night.
Here is Jen H. And laura working on the Gala.

Wayne Meadowcroft died. He was a good family member and missed by the family. Husband of Ferne and step father and grandfather of the Averbach kids.

Bob Margolis died from a long illness with Alzheimer's. husband of Betty Lou. Betty Lou is Jack 's first cousin.

Jack and I flew to NJ for a visit with the G. The week before Holden Had the croup and the flu. It was two trips to,the emergency room and two times to the doctor. At one point he said to Eve, he thought he was going to die.
He could not breathe and it was quite scary.
Then Adley got one more ear infection and they were seeing the doctor together. Adley also went to the emergency room. Eve looked all done in from all the sickness in the house.

Julie and Mitchell Cepler had their twins, Scarlett and Liam on Holden's birthday, Feb. 13. They both weighed 5lb.11 oz. and are healthy. We went into NYC to visit them. It took 2 1/2 hours, one train ride and two subways and a lot of walking to get there. It is a very nice apt. but small. There is a children's park right across from the apt. Which will be perfect for,them to run around. The babies are so little and sweet. Imagine raising twins in NYC. It sound like a nightmare to me.

This is Liam

This is Scarlett

Adley loves her grandparents and family. She wanted us to play with her the entire visit. One time, she yelled up the steps, Where are you grandma? She was waiting for me to play. She loves the kitchen and the large LEGOs.
We would build a tower and then hit it down and start all over again.

We then took,the train from NJ to MD and a visit to the VH house.
We ate lunch at Wegman's and brought crab cakes in from Wegman's for dinner. This is the dining room at the store. Look at the groups at the kids table!

We took the girls to bowl. The girls had fun for about six times and then were ready for the big pretzels and drinks.

Emma loves to play with us. We built towers and she would make it fall down. So in one weekend we played Lego towers with Adley and Emma.

Game playing.


The best news of all, Emma is toilet trained. She does it ALL on the potty!

Jim bought a fire pit for the back yard and the girls were making Sam-ores.
It was quite cold outside but they were having fun.