We went tubing.

Laura laid on top of Mollie to keep her on the tube. But they fell off.

Look at my hair!

Kayaking and canoeing

Nathan is on the right.

Here is our cabin

Meals are fine. Every lunch there is a wonderful salad bar. You can always have bananas, Apples, other fruit and peanut butter sandwiches any time of day. They put out adult snacks later in the evening. Friday night is a sabbath dinner. It is matzoh ball soap, roast chicken, potatoes, and vegetables. Fresh challahs. Saturday night is a cookout. We has a campfire with some mores . Swim party with a DJ. Talent night for the kids. Many activities for everyone.

Todd, Ellen, Jen, Sean, Stacey

Jen and Jon PP with Jordan and Julius.

Abe and friend

The pool is two years old. It has a large swimming pool with slides. A diving pool. And a shallow pool for the teens to sit and flirt. That pool has water spouts and buckets of water falling for high.

The K donated money for the pool.

Then there was the Zip Lining. I have never done it and think I will continue to be photographer. Abe was sick for the day. He had gotten booster shots the day before and was running a temp. M and N got to do it two times each. The first time Mollie got stuck in the middle and they had to walk out and bring her it with a rope. She was not unset at all. She shouted to us, " it looks harder that it is". Here is a view of the area.

. Getting harnessed up.

Walking across the pole.

Mollie stuck in the middle.

Nathan on the Z Line.

Off to the art area to tie dye a shirt. Ellen S is lucky that M did not get any paint on her. She certainly got it all over her face and arms.

Ellen S came to the weekend with her adult daughter, niece and husbands and had a blast.
Noah W P birth and bris.
Paternal grandparents are Indian. So it was their first briss.
N and J have been adopted grandparents to my grandkids. Having movie nights and helped to care for them. I am thrilled that they now have their own grandson.
Jack and I were honored to be included in the event. They used the same table cloth that we used for A and N. So it is now the official bris table cloth!

Adley and family went to visit the other two families from the adoption in China. Here is a picture of the three little girls. They had a good time playing together.

Sadie's first day of school.

Location:Morgantown, WV