My mother Beatrice Kossis, Barnett. We do not know what or if they had middle names. She was married 3 times. My father died 50 years ago. She never should have married again as she became a castrating Bitch to her husbands. My dad was her one love and they did have a good marriage.
The picture was taken 2 weeks after Ellen was born. I gained 12 pounds with Ellen. 11 lb with Eve. 25 lb with Laura. I did babies WELL. I am wearing a high waisted pair of slacks. My figure was back and my weight was 110. Those were the days!
My sister all dressed in blue. Taken at Joyce's apt. Where we are eating dinner every night as Ernie is in hospice.
After one week of hospice and being at Joyce's apartment every day, Ernie died peacefully. Rosa and I cooked dinners every night. This was done by cleaning out Joyce's refrigerator of everything I could find. The problem is she had three refrigerators. An addition to joyce's apartment is the party room and gym next to her apt. She uses the kitchen there to store extra things. The refrigerators (2 in party room) were stored with little bits or things. We had a steak night. Two chicken dinners. Pasta with pork, shrimp and clam sauce. Joyce sat with Ernie the entire time. She would come out for a meal and go back to her husband of 49 years. The hospice aides and help are saints. Such caring people. We then spent the next five nights eating dinners with family. There was no shiva since it was a holiday. But people came every night to visit and we had quite a crowd.
Ernest Pearl. Died May 13, 2013. Interesting, brother in law Ed Averbach died July 13, 2007. I hope the number 13 is not repeated with one other tragedy. He drank scotch every day and smoked until he could not. He never over ate and was buried in his wedding suit.
May 28, 1963. 50 years ago, My father, Herman Barnett died. We do not know if he had a middle name. He was 59 years young. He was a quiet man. He was a pharmacist before most people were able to go to college. He owned two drug stores with soda counters. He loved compounding drugs and realized that his job was changing. My parents moved from Canton, Ohio to Pittsburgh and opened a waste paper plant with my mother's brother. Uncle Bud knew nothing about the business and was not a hard worker. The business was very successful but my dad died too young for all the money. Parents married when my father at 32 yrs and my mom was 25. He got ill when I was 12. Dies when I was 17. I do not remember a healthy, fun, involved father. I can not get past the bad years when he was ill. He loved poetry and classical music. Read poetry to my mom while she was in labor with me.
Daddy, Rosa, mother, ruth, Joyce
Picture taken two weeks before daddy died. It was a debutante ball for a Jewish organization. He was so ill and his mind was confused from poisons. And I was angry with him as he could not learn the dance. If my mother had been honest with us, I would have understood that he was sick and dying. I became the queen of the ball by pulling the longest ribbon. He did not understand things and had to be pushed and led through everything.
The good and bad of A family death. Eve drove in with Adley for the funeral. Ellen drove in with Sadie and Emma. I had wanted to see the girls and I got my visit. Ellen brought a ton of play doe for them.
Eating pudding
We took Adley to the Children's museum for a day.
She loved everything there. Adley loves loves her black velvet dress. I wiped it down the second day so she could wear it again. Will she still be wearing it in the summer? Even though she brought plenty of other dresses. Painting
Frozen yogurt for lunch.
Holden had a band concert.
We have a new cousin. Claire Beatrice Phillips. Daughter of Rachael Bleckman and Bradley Phillips. Granddaughter of Gail and Marshall Bleckman.
Born. May 15,2013. 7 lb 9 oz
Jack and I went to temple Friday night with my sisters. Sad, Sad. The music was sad and beautiful. When you are sad , maybe Jewish services do not make your spirits lift. There was a family there that the mother died one year ago. She was 52 years old left three kids, 13-18. Breast Cancer. Very successful lawyer and loved in the jewish community. She had many years to prepare for her death. She planned the funeral. it was held at the temple and was standing room. The children participated in the service tonight. The father sat and never smiled the entire service. Also at the service, There was Fritz Oppenheimer. He is less than five feet, in his nineties, and a survivor of Shindler's list. He speaks all over the city about his life during the Holocaust. He goes to the K kids school to talk. I hope he is still alive and healthy when my grandkids are of the age he speaks to their grade.
I just finished reading a book on the best sellers list. The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. If I had know ahead of time it was about the Holocaust I would not have read the book. It was a good story, but a few year ago, I said no more books on that subject, for me. Let people that do not know the horrors read those books. It put me in a not good mood.