We went to Joe and Diana R house. We planned to go to the beach but the sky was very noisy. The thunder storm arrived and we had very heavy rain. The R had heated the pool and Diana had no plan to get out of the water just because of a lot of rain.

We also had brunch and a day at the beach with them.
Then dinner at the Pennocks. Bernie made his famous crab cakes and bang bang shrimp.
Joe and Diana

Friends Susan and Michael Weiner from Texas visited for the week. Dinners and beach time with them.

Friday with Shirley, last week we went shopping in Wexford and then lunch with neighbors. This week we went to Savannah shopping. First we went to the farmers market at 8:30 and did not get home from all the shopping until 5:50. Then we were due at the Soby house at 6:00 for a moving away party for daughter Elizabeth. She got a teaching job in Denver and the car heads west on Monday. That was a busy day. We have a new friend, Vickie joining in the fun.

Here is the official picture of what S and E are wearing for Halloween.

A friend is going through OLD pictures. Here is a birthday party picture. I am in the middle of the picture.

Dave and Eve took an adult vacation. Look how happy they look.

Sunday we went biking with Joan and Bob D. Their dog Daisy always comes along. So we took her to plays at the beach.

Here we are with the biking Monday group. We have two new members and they bring their dog along also. There are the bikers and then we go out to lunch and the eaters join us.

Cousin Jim L is a wonderful painter. He just finished this painting. He said it was very hard to paint and finish to his liking. It just did not come together easily. I love it. I can not imagine his talent.

Professional photo of S and E.

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