Doctor appointments for Jack and I. We got good reports. Both healthy.
Mollie got a manicure and pedicure.

They took a tour of the Grand Canyon. Their guide was SO informative that it was worth all the money. They even stopped on the way home to have a lesson about the stars in the sky. The tour was 13 hours on a small bus to and from the Grand Canyon.

Helicopter ride into the canyon.

The weather was cool. Look how clean and blue the sky is.

They took a hike up a mountain. Mollie did not want to hike all the way up. She started crying and others hikers started cheering her on. And she made it to the top and was quite proud of herself.

They spent a day in Sedona. They took the Pink Jeep Tour over the red rocks. Mollie was scared until she got,to sit in the front seat of the jeep. Then she thought it was great.

Driving down bumpy steps.

The G family went to Vermont to Snow shoe and ski.

Scene from the shoe shoe walk that Eve took.

Adley went to ski school.

Notice Maya's teeth. The braces are gone. Teeth beautiful. And she is smiling with her teeth showing for the first time in two years.

The VH family went to Disney for their last trip before they become a family of five in May. Little boy VH is coming in May, and it is so exciting to have a baby again. Their weather was cold a few days. No swimming. But a great time.

The VH had a holiday party. Emma picked out this dress and leggings for the event. She certainly looked like a Christmas person in red and green. So cute.

The K kids spent New Years Eve with us. We went to 5 Guys for a quick dinner. And then Mollie and I went to see a girl movie. The boys went to see Unbroken. The boys love war,,blood and gore. The movie was a little mature for Nathan but he enjoyed it. We drank fake bubble wine, say the ball drop in NYC Times Square and went to sleep.
5 Guys for dinner. We usually go for Chinese food. But because of the times of the two movies it did not work out.

We took out the trains. Nathan loves playing with them. Nathan and Mollie were helpers putting it together. Mollies little fingers are good to put the tracks together and putting rubber bands around them.

We made chocolate chip cookies. With and without oatmeal.

Joyce hosted a New Year Day Brunch for the family. Baby Eve is walking now and she is very verbal. But not words. Cute little girl.
Betty Lou Margolis and her friend Milt Feld came for dinner.

Jeffrey, Kim, Mathew, Julie Tamis

These are my father Herman and Jacks father Bernie Tallis. We sewed them together and used under the chuppah when the girls got married. I took them apart and Maya will wear Herman's for her Bar Mitzvah and Stephan Tamis will wear Bernie's for his daughter Bar Mitzvah. There was a label with Adelson on the one Tallis. That is how I could tell them apart.

New Year's Day was rain and more rain.

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