Eve was coming Pgh. With Adley for a long weekend and the Pearl wedding. The day before she was bitten on the ankle by a German Shepard mixed very large dog while waiting to pick up Holden at school. The dog attacked Eve first and then took five big bites out of Friday. The dog had growled at Friday in the past. Eve had been holding Adley when she fell. She does not remember much of what happened after that. A friend took Adley. Someone drove them home. She took Friday to the Vet. Then she drove herself to the ER. And then she went to the police station to report the event. The next day, her foot was all swollen and she could not walk. She got an appointment with an orthopedist. He put her in a boot, which the ER doctor should have done. Ordered a MRI. She has a torn tendon.
Picture is at a coffee / juicer store. I got coffee and Eve got a vegetable mix. She bought a Vita mix this weekend. She is grinding and juicing everything in the house. She made me a green drink. It looked like vomit and I could not drink it! But she is in heaven with her new toy. Which she has wanted for a long time.

Dog bike on one side of foot.

One of Friday's bites.

I drove in NJ and stayed with her for one week. And she needed the help. The other dog owner, Mrs. R., took no responsibility. Never phoned Eve. She claimed the cut on eve's ankle was from the leash. A person from the police dept. in change of dog bites, came to the house to discuss how to handle the situation. The dog was to be taken into animal shelter until a court date could be arranged. The woman fought and behaved so badly that the first night they left the house without a dog. The captain was furious and they went back the second night and took the dog. Eve does not want the dog put to sleep. Just always muzzled and not off their property. I feel strongly it should be be killed. How can you trust, live with a dog that attacked a person. Especially when you have a ten year child living in the house.
Mrs. R put signs all over town with a cartoon picture of a cute dog saying, free Abby. I saw one and tore it off the tree. She also sent out emails to many people for them to testify about the dogs good character. Meanwhile Eve is not walking well. Is in the boot and will be for a few weeks. She will need babysitters to help with Adley for a while. She is allowed to drive but does not feel confident and well enough yet.
Tried yesterday and did not do well driving.

I had a wonderful time visiting the kids.
A dinner of a Perdue roaster chicken with vegetables around it.


Adley loves girly dresses. She either wore her black velvet, pink or the zebra dress every day.

I met a nanny with two 1/2 Asian kids. We had a play date in the school playground. Imagine, I had a play date with a 23 year nanny.

We ran into Holden at his recess and the two talked across the fence.

I bought Adley a paint set and the girl became an artist. She loves to do art. She painted so much that she emptied some of the colors. Before I bought the paints, she was using nail polish and glues for paint. A little messy.

Maya was in a choir recital. She does not like to buy clothes or shop. She bought this dress by herself after Eve was worn down shopping with her. She looked beautiful . I took her shopping for items she needed for overnight camp. We had great success and good time. We went to the Sports Authority and she got blue shorts, t shirts, bathing suit and a chammy to dry herself.

In the LuLuLemon store. She bought two head bands and a water bottle.

This one will glow in the dark.

Holden was in a final baseball game. He pitched two innings. The other team brought in their best pitcher for the last two innings and Holden's team was in trouble and they lost the game. Coming in second in their age group is good and I was proud. This was Dave's last game as a coach. He does not have the time to devote to it but he loves the time and experience with his son.

After jack and I left NJ, eve took Adley and Holden to the Dr. She has an ear infection and he has strep. I know all will be better tomorrow after the meds kick in.
The cicadas are out all over NJ. They fly into your face. You see them all over the ground. And the NOISE. There is this constant buz. Eve told me not to go the the park playground because of all the trees and the cicadas everywhere.

The VH had a good weekend and ended it with a fire pit cook out. Looks like a lot of fun.

The new and old kitchen chairs. The pads have not arrived yet. The black one is the old. They are one sit away from breaking. Wobbly The new chairs seem so noisy but I guess I will get used to it. And it is cold to sit in without the pad.