Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hurricane Irene

We had a hurricane all along the east coast on Saturday and Sunday. Jack and were in NJ visiting eve on Thursday. Then on Friday we were staying at sister Sally in NY. And on to CT for the wedding on Saturday. We decided to drive home Friday morning. It was the correct decision. Sally has no water of electricity. She had to go to,the high school to shower. Eve's neighborhood is flooded and streets are closed with trees down. They had very little damage, but that is not the case with many neighbors. We missed quite a wedding. And for this I feel bad. But my safety comes first. Eve stayed with her in laws for three nights. Adley got a lot of attention. Friday, the dog likes her and was by her side the whole time. Here is Carl and Marilyn with Adley.

Mollie had a sleep over with her grandparents on Tuesday. She loves to sleep in silky nightgowns.

The kaplan kids came for dinner on Sunday. Abe loves meat and we had a large plate of lamb chops. I remember my mother making a heaping dish of double cut lamb chops for dinners. Nathan loves starches and Mollie eats a lot of fruits. We celebrated Laura and Stu's 11th anniversary.

Holden has taken to hairstyles for Adley's hair. Don't they look like siblings?
I never thought our tough boy, Holden would have a " soft spot" in him. He must have gotten it from grandpa jack.

Abe has started travel soccer. Here he is in his uniform. Now he has to play well and win some games. He got an Itouch for his birthday. He figured out how to get an APP to make telephone calls. So he calls me. He is also sending me emails with it. I do like technology. It is fun doing these things with the grandchildren. Thursday morning I Face Timed with Ellen and wished Emma a happy birthday. There they were getting ready to leave for school and I could see it.

Sadie started first grade this week.

Emma had her second birthday on sept. 1. I remember waiting for her to be born. I had to travel to Baltimore three times. As Ellen was induced three times before Emma decided to make her appearance. She was worth the wait. She is an easy and happy baby.

This picture is after eating ice cream.

Ellen and family went to visit Eve and family for the day.

Posted by Ruth

Location:Springhouse Ln,Pittsburgh,United States

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