Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Back to Cusco and the next day on to Quito, and on to the Galapos

We began the day with a nice breakfast. Touring began at 8:00. This is not a tour for someone that can not get up early and out the door. I felt so at home in this hotel that I almost swallowed the water when brushing my teeth. We went from two backpacks to one. I almost forgot my camera. And did forget the toilet paper. Not good but other women had extra. We began a tour of a catholic church that the Spanish built over an Inca temple. The Inca temple was discovered after an earthquake. All the gold, tons of it had been taken by the Spanish and melted down and taken to Spain. They have dug out the Inca remains.
Koricancha. . 1579-1679.

Then off to the remains of a temple area that was only used for services 5 times a year for about 50 years. Was a temple of the sun god. Probably built over 50 years by 20,000 men. The walls are zig- zag. Used in 1500s.

Jack on a hill at other side of temple. The priest would stand here and the people could hear him speak in the open area bellow.

Then off to a prayer - healing ceremony. We had a pray man lead the service. He took a large paper and placed many objects in it. Scallop shell, corn, part of a sea horse, lykon and moss from over 15,000 feet in mountain, animal cookies to symbolize eating meat. Alphabet noodles for our names, spices, coca leaves (3 from each person ), Then He tied up the package with string. A woman was playing music that she wanted to sell after the service. People are trying to sell every where you go. We came off the plane and pictures were taken of us. The next day, he finds us, our guide probably is in cahoots, and he has made postcards to sell. A band plays at dinner and they have a CD to sell. And more vendors all the time.

Ruth getting blessed. He would swing the package with everything in it. He would hit it all over your body. Then you would blow on it it three times and he would tap your shoulder three times with a bell. Look at my hair. This was a cold and wet day. I took a video of Jack being blessed.
PAVEL believed in all this. He had his house blessed before he moved in. And 3 years later, when he paid off his mortgage , he brought back this man to bless it again. He did laugh where he told us the house was paid off as verses our 30 year mortgages. He also said they are cheaper houses.

Then he made a fire and put the package into it.

Now off to an alpaca shop. They explained the how and what of the material.
I bought a multi colored and large design sweater. This boy is 16 years and had made the hangings on the wall. I would have loved one but where would I put it and then there was the high cost.

Off to lunch. With many meals we would have Pisco sours. Pisco is a type of liquor. Three parts Pisco, one part simple syrup, one part lime juice and blend with ice cubes. This is the starter to the lunch.

Chicken soup

Alpaca meat

Native people. I was not able to take many pictures of the people in costume. They want paid for the photo. When we did take a picture with our guide he would have us all give a small coin.

Tour of a silver jewelry factory.
That was a very busy day. We were then dropped off in the center square to walk around. They just got their first Starbucks three weeks ago. The area is filled with young people, hiking and touring the area.

Cusco from a hill.

Street in the old part of town. A car could drive down it. See the steps at the end.

Church in the main city square.

Some kind of a parade with a band on the street. It could have been a funeral. They make it a happy affair. People drink corn beer at the cemetery until it is gone. Pavel had a band playing grandpas favorite songs at grandpas funeral. He comes from a large and close family unit. Married a wife from the same mountain town his grandparents came from.

Another church in main square.

The wife and son of PAVEL. They came to the hotel the last afternoon. He works about 25 days a month and is never home with his family. but he loves his job.
He gave us a talk about the size of families in this Inca Catholic country.
With the last president, there were forced tubal ligations. People were encouraged to have less children. The birth rate in 15 years went from 4 to 2 children per family. Abortion is not legal, but you can easily get one and the day after pill. The wife said she is very happy with one child. She works as a tour planner for Italian groups. She is now learning English.

We were to meet in the bar before dinner, but their was a meeting in the bar. Turns out, it was a travel group from Israel. They had dinner in the room. It was paper plates and plastic silver wear. So a religious group. Dinner was fair in a restaurant in the old part of town.
Wake up at 5:00 and on the bus at 6:30. But PAVEL came at 6:20 and said get on the bus now. The Israel group of about 30 people were also going to the airport and he wanted our bus to leave first. We got to the airport ahead of a mass of people. He sent us through security and said he would remain at the airport until our plane took off. Again he gave us all kinds of instructions. Stay together. The gates change quickly and it did. When we got through everything in Lima, an OATS guide was waiting to move us to the next security area. He would also stay until the plane took off. PAVEL phoned five minutes after we were with the new guide. This man was the very best guide we will probably ever have. And we gave him a very good tip. The drivers and additional guides were all quality people doing a good job.
PAVEL with a book to show pictures to explain things. He would have hand outs in the AM about where we were going for the day. The evenings that we were to have a meal on our own, he would still take us some place nice. Now, I am sure he got a free meal but he did not need to be with us all the time.

Now the second part of the trip begins. It should be quite different. On a small boat looking at animals and plants. Scuba driving and swimming.

Tuesday evening Jan 17
We are in Quito. It is cool weather. All,the flights went well. We left Cusco one hour late but it worked out. Our new guide is Roberto. He seems nice but after PAVEL it will be hard. We also have Sylvia, the expert for Quito. In Peru we would get bottled water every day. Now we were given a bottle and the bus has a large container to fill up when needed. They are concerned with recycling. Peru was a very poor country. Quito looks richer. The people are dressed nicer. The hotel is very nice. Just one problem. $3 for the computer per hour in the lobby. Or $15.00 to have wireless in the room per day. I have this blog ready to send and will not pay $15 to send it. Can only use the wireless in the room with the iPad. I plan to carry the iPad tomorrow and hope to find some place where i get wireless. There are no Starbucks in this city. We went from13,000 feet in Cusco to 9,000 feet in Quito. Still high. Our guide told us not to go out at night. Interesting!

Location:Written on the plane.

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