Monday, January 16, 2012

Day one in Machu Picchu

We took the bus up the mountain to MP. It takes about 20 minutes. The road was built in the 1950 's, is mostly one lane. When a bus comes in the other direction, one bus will back until they are in a spot for the two buses. There are steps that the Inca used years ago. It is all switch backs. Hikers all everywhere. Some camp out and will walk from one point to the other. You must have a guide to walk the Inca trail. You need to show your passport to enter the national park or MP? The ticket cost about $50. We went in the afternoon. We had two guides for the fourteen people. Everyone did all the walking. I feel the reason our group did so well is because of our guide. No one was ill and we did everything. He kept telling us to drink, keep the hats on, sun block and is very serious about clean hands. One women put her hands in a fountain and he said to get hand cleaner. We slowly walked from one side to the other of MP. Up and down the hills. Learning all about how,it was built and the purpose for certain buildings and areas. You really need a walking stick. Which Jack and I now own. It is very busy in the morning but when we were there, no problem with crowds.

Here we are at one sight. You can see how far we are from the center area.

Entering the park

This is the guard house. They have put the grass roof on it like it would have been. Look at the steps!

Our group of senior citizens.

East agricultural center. They grew food on the terraces.

Temple of the Condor.

This the the priests house. They are standing in his bed area.

This is the window that the suns come into on June 21, summer solace.

We have walked quite a long way from the main area.

Stone walkway.

Location:El Sol,Cuzco,Peru

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