Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tour of Quito, Ecuador

Welcome to Ecuador

We were out the door at 7:45 after a very good breakfast. The roll had chocolate in it. The coffee, never decaf, was good and they had whole bananas. They have a chocolate cereal that is great. The first stop was a school for disabled kids. Sinamune School. Most are downs syndrome and blind. They are taught music. The kids range in age from 9-42. They must pass a test to attend. Education is free in Ecuador but you have to buy the uniforms and books. The school has been working with children for twenty years. They have gone to France and played for the Pope in Rome, Italy. There are sixty students. They had a good band and about six dancers. They were so excited to preform and Jack and I had tears in our eyes. The videos I took are wonderful. The school receives financial help from our tour company. They have not been able to get a visa to play in the USA.
We bought a oil painting of red flowers that a student did. I never thought to take a photo off it and now it is in a tube. Not to be opened until we are back in Pittsburgh.

Picture with the pope.

Then off to the Inti Nan museum where the equator runs through. It was thought to be in a different location. 2003 scientists came and discovered the location was incorrect.

The guide did experiments to show time with shadows and how water runs clock wise in the north hemisphere and the opposite in the southern.
The time we were there was 10:10.

Then we went to the Middle of the World Monument where the equator was first thought to be. Bill Clinton visited here in 2002 and he has a star of fame.
Here we are standing on the OLD equator.

Then it was off to an ice cream store to see ice cream being made and having dessert before lunch. They used egg white instead of cream in the ice cream. Was very good. There were all different exotic flavors. The guide said to try something new and be bold. I had vanilla and chocolate.
It was a 45 minute drive back to the old part of the city for lunch and a walk.
This is ground corn with cheese wrapped in a corn leaf, with spicy sauce and yogurt.

The main meal was goat stew with potatoes and rice or a vegetable wrap. Guess which one Jack had and what I ate. The wrap had lettuce and unpeeled tomatoes and I did not eat that.

Walking tour included a Catholic Church built by the Spanish that was filled everywhere with gold. No pictures inside.


Presidential palace

Guards at the palace. Just like in England.

Square around the palace

Expensive hotel.

Children coming home from school. Hours are seven AM to one PM.

Children. The people look different from Peru.

Boy with mow-hawk hair do.

We finished the walking tour at 3:00 and we went to the bus, the rain finally arrived. Notice the pictures in the park and palace.
To have wireless Internet in the hotel costs $15 a day. I refuse to pay that. So jack and I ventured out in the rain to find a coffee shop with wireless. Not easy in this town. We walked for 1 1/2 hours and Jack was DONE. It turns out we walked in a large square and there in front of us was THE COFFEE TREE with wireless. That is my favorite coffee shop in Pittsburgh. With $5 for coffee and hot chocolate and a big tip I was able to send the blog out. The girl was so helpful and pretty!
Back to the hotel for one short hour and then to a Home Hosted Dinner. We were divided into two houses. Ours was Mary, Ecuadorian but lived and was born in the US for her first three years and ten more when married. She and her daughters are US citizens as they were also born in the US. She has two daughters 14 and 15. Lovely house and what a cute, fun family. Her parents built the compound or four building apartment for grandparents, two sons and families and Mary's family. A little boy and girl were running in and out, niece and nephew. A multi family unit as is done in this part of the world. The older sister paid the younger $1 to eat with us while she played waitress. She does not like to speak english. Seemed a little shy. They were a very funny group. Mother hosts many lunches and dinners and enjoys it. The girls were still in their uniforms. One girl plays soccer. The other used to be a cheer leader. We started with quiena soup. We have had it for a few meals. This was not the best. She takes the qrain with water or broth and spices and cooks it Can put in vegetables. There was also cooked oatmeal with fruit juice blended for a drink. Did not like that.

Then a very small piece of chicken, rice, a few peas, cucumber, and a fried banana.

Dessert was a small bowl of granola, coconut, yogurt, and fruit.
This is a middle class family. The husband owns the gym which is on the first floor. It was crowded. There was a garage with one car.

The kitchen was very nice. It had a stone counter. Table for four people. Quite a change from the family in Peru.
House was all tile. Daughters had their own TV and computer. They love Facebook, ICary, Hanna Montana. They go to all girls school and do not date. The mother says she was quite wild when she was their age. They love to fight together and mother hopes it gets easier soon.

Now, that was a full day!!

The currency in Ecuador is the US dollar. The banks were closed for a week in 1999. When some of them opened, the people lost 4/5 of the value. Out guide sylvia's family lost a fortune. Sylvia ( in early 30s) lives outside the city. Is married with 2 children and I think a nose job. She lived in Texas for her senior year of high school. She is a rescuer of dogs. Has twelve now and finds them homes through Facebook. They made a deal with the US that they could put a base in Ecuador for ten years for the use of the dollar. The base is now used by Ecuador.
They like the president and think he is very handsome. He is in his thirties and bikes with wonderful legs. He has done some wonderful things for the country. The vice president is in a wheel chair. They passed a law that all business that employ more than 20 people must employ one handicapped person. The standard of living is good now.

Location:Quito, Ecuador

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