I was told about an article in the Wall Street Journal titled " the happiest hotel in the world". It was and is the White Swan. That is because so many babies stay here for the final step of their adoption. Happy parents with children getting a family. As I said there are today around forty adopted children in this hotel. Food at the hotel and in all the restaurants in the area come with small plastic bowls and baby spoons. All the restaurants have many high chairs. I wonder how many cribs this hotel has. Every child is photographed on the red sofa before they leave. The babies will all wear Chinese outfits for the photo. We bought Adley a nice pink one and a purple one. They all wear red, white and blue for the visit to the US embassy. Sept. 1 the hotel is closing for one year. They are going to rebuild it. The red sofa is going. By the way the lobby is filled with red sofas. When I read about the sofa I thought it was only one sofa. Someone in the US wants to buy a sofa and bring it to the US. I wonder if there will be a new sofa that becomes famous when the hotel is rebuilt. We take our picture on Weds.
Jack put his Steeler hat on and not one minute later a man stopes him on the street. He was from Pittsburgh also. He and his wife were here adopting child number eight and nine. They have seven adopted children. That is more impressive than Angelina and Brad.

We met a mother, sister and friend. Parents have adopted a five year old girl. They are Asian. They are now adopting a two year old boy and a two and a half year old girl from different orphanages.
Saw a mother with about a seven year old and she was adopting a baby girl.
I always though most of the parents were Childress. But it seems to me the ratio must be 50%.
Big sister with her new brother and sister, from two different orphanages. Home will be Texas .

Going home-to Spain

Home to Spain

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