Sunday, July 10, 2011

Eve's Post before Adely - Last day in Beijing

Hello - this is Eve typing
Today we visited Tianamen Square & The Forbiden City - they are beautiful - huge and elaborate.
It was VERY hot and crowded.
We saw trees in The Forbidden City that were @ 500 years old - they were magnificent!
We also went to an authentic tea house - I really enjoyed this - but my parents did not like the teas as much as me.
We are at the Beijing airport. We will fly to Nanchung.
There are 3 families in our group - getting 3 babies tomorrow.
The babies will get up very early and take a bus to the hotel to meet us.
I am feeling so sad for Adley. It will be a very tough day for her. She is too young to understand. She will not be back in her home city for many years.
As for me - I feel surprisingly calm.
I am ready. This journey has been too long. I want my daughter in my arms.
I remember seeing Maya & Holden for the first time. This will be different - but will be a day to remember forever!
I want to take a moment to thank my Dad - it has been my positive experience with him that inspired me to adopt.
Do all of you know that Adley comes from my last name Adelson?
It was the name given to me when I was adopted - tomorrow Adley will get her name.
I also want to thank all of you for your support during this long experience.
Until tomorrow - when I am a Mom to 3 - 2 girls & 1 boy:)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eve, I remembered you mentioned that you'd be blogging this amazing experience! Can't believe I found it! Anyway, want to wish you the best I'm so excited for you and your family. Hadn't seen pictures of Adley until now. She is positively beautiful! Safe travels and CONGRATULATIONS! Amy
