Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kalakho. Dera Village Retreat. Jan. 21. Tuesday

Rain and more rain. We had a five hour bus ride. I could not see much out the window. Fog and rain. View from window.

This is after I cleaned the moisture from the window. Two days of rain and fog.

Each hotel you check into, you are given a marigold necklace. And the red dot for the forehead. We found a use for it. Decorate the lamp.

On the banks of Madhosager Lake. This is a group of 18 cabins owned and used only by the tour company. In season it is used three times a week. Like the cruise line buying its own island. We were in the middle of mustard fields. The plan was to play cricket, talk a camel ride and there were other outside games. Also walk and see the see the village. It was just too wet. Arrived for lunch at 1:30 and because of the rain, Jack played bridge and I rested.
I have a crisis. The iPad has over 4200 pictures in it plus videos, and I have run out of room. So the only thing I can think to do is delete pictures to free up some memory. And hope that is the solution.
We drove to the local school. School has been cancelled for a long time because of weather. The kids had been told we were coming with gifts and they , many mothers and younger siblings were waiting. This is the worst of schooling. Three teachers and 50 kids. Only one teacher showed up. Rashid says, a teacher may come to school in the AM. Assign an older student something to teach and leave. Go to do farming. They must,?, go to school to age twelve. The people are beginning to see the purpose of education inn the girls. The kids get a free lunch at school so that is another good reason to send them. Teachers and medical people do not want to go to these small towns. So the educators are many times not qualified. It is two classroom and mostly rote learning. We had been told that the kids are cold and asked to bring scarfs. The tour company pays for this. They sang songs and counted to 50 and they said the alphabet. The scarves and hats were handed out one at a time. It was put around their neck. But by the time she sat down she had folded it and put away. It was cold and all the kids wore flip flops. They were so dirty looking and their hair had a reddish color. When we went to Peru, the tour company paid for some nice things for the schools they visited. They had tables and chairs. A eating are and a computer room that was air conditioned. I would have liked to see the school have more than the nothing I saw. I assume they are visiting three times a week from Oct. To May. The lodge we stayed at was just down the road from it.
The water well.

The teenage girls were laughing and shy. They would no longer going to school.

Shoes left outside .

People squat all the time.

This is a girl. Many had short hair cuts. I wondered about lice.

The blackboard

Only thing on the wall. They sit on the carpets on the floor. Carpets were bought by a different tour group.

Mothers standing outside.

Only girl with a beautiful scarf.

These women were standing outside the gate to our hotel. Our guide said we are not to give the people anything. Does not want to make them beggars. But how I would like to help.

Our room. Very plain, clean and cold. We did have some ants for company. The people do not like to take showers. There is a large bucket and small pitcher.. They will put the water in the large bucket and then throw it on themselves. I had noticed this in our bathrooms. At the place, the hot water is not realible. Goes hot and cold quickly. So it is better to bath this way. The hot water is coming from solar heaters. No sun, no hot water. No shower for me.

Since we could not play cricket, we got a class in how to play. Then we had the Indian dances.

She put six bowls on her head and danced around and then bent down and lifted up paper money with her mouth.

Breakfast was yogurt, hot cereal, scrambled eggs, fried bread and an apple dumpling. The bananas are small.

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