Saturday, January 25, 2014

Taj Mahal. Jan.23. Friday

It is a shame we had no sun. The pictures would show better with a blue clear sky. We arrived with a great mass of people. You go through security. Therefore I left my purse on the bus. Also a safer place for it.
Built by Shaw Jahan in memory of his wife. He had two other wives. Saw Muntaz and loved her immediately . She went everywhere with him. Including to battle. She gave birth to her 14 th child, a daughter, and died shortly after childbirth. Six kids survived to adult. Two girls and four boys. He always was angry with the daughter for the death of his beloved wife. She asked him to build a monument to symbolize their undying love before she died. He went into solitary confinement for six months. Came out of it sick. It took 22 years to complete the entire area. 20,000 lad orders and begun in 1632. Muntaz's body was first buried where she dies. Then moved to the grounds of the Taj. And finally in the ground, in the basement of the Taj. There is a tomb her her in the center of the building. Shaw Jahan is next to her, off center but his tomb is taller. His ws probably an after thought. After all, the Taj Mahal was built as her Shrine. All Muslims must be buried in a few hours after death, in the ground, facing west. We were not allowed to take photos inside the building. He brought flowers to her grave every day for years. Then figured out to have flowers drawn on the building so she would have them forever.
Men going through security. Women had a female check them.

The main gate.

First view of the Taj Mahal

Photo taken in the exact place ( a little off center as there were large crowds of people taking pictures here). of the famous Princess Diana photo. Rashid says everyone wants a picture here.

I am having a bad hair day. Or I have had a number of them. A mass of curl and frizz.

Other side of the main entry gate.

There are two matching mosques on each side. One is used for prayer. The other is empty.

Water fountains down the center.

The writing is larger at the top of the column so it can be read.

Beautiful white marble.

Inlaid and completely smooth and even.

Photos of people at the TAJ
A man wanted pictures of jack with his son, daughter and wife.

Posing in front if the Taj. Everyone was posing for pictures.

The men and women seen to dye their hair. You put a red stripe in the center of your hair and red dot on forehead to show you are married.

Location:Agra, India

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