Friday, January 24, 2014

Agra, lunch, inlaid marble factory Jan 23

This is an example of gardening. Women pulling weeds or racking leafs The men standing around. The leafs, etc. put in piles and the cart with oxen to haul it away.

Cart to take the leafs away.

Men standing around while the women work.

Garbage pickup in a truck.


Beggars outside our bus. They would go from mouth to stomach. They want money for food. So sad.

She is asking for shampoo. I wonder why her hair is shaved.

Lunch was a visit to a family and a cooking demonstration. This was built by a British family and owned by Indians since 1947.

Living room


Long hall way used as dining room.

Seventeen year old daughter's bedroom. She is studying for her college entrance tests. Son has already gone to college and works in Delhi.

Woman's bedroom. Mother in law had a similar bedroom on the other wall. She recently had surgury. Room closed.

Girls bathroom. Notice the bucket to use for showering.

Photo of the daughter on a wall.

This woman was charming. Very pretty.

Our lovely hostess ate with her fingers. As is the custom.

So many spices went into the dish. It was potatoes. With cream and tomato. Very hot. How do you with a scarf around you neck and needing to adjust it all the time?

Typical Indian food. Chicken, lentils, cauliflower , the potato dish, nam, very thin round fried bread, and a very strange dessert. A round glutinous thing. Dipping in sugar and no taste.

Garden. They grow a lot of the food.

We ate on yellow plates. After the meal, I saw him taking to dishes outside to what looked like a well. He put the dishes in this.

Inlayed marble store. After it was apparent that some of the people were not going to buy the large items, they show us into a room with smaller stuff. Still not inexpensive. First you get the demo of how they make the product. Then we are offered drinks. Then the salesman are brought into the showroom. They were picking up their calculators and I saw one Salesman kiss it for good luck. The very elegant older owner of the factory came in later to help close some of the sales. Quite an operation.

Price was $6000 to start. Got to $3800 but the woman did not buy it.

Price asked was $3000. Tracey bought it for $2000. The table behind it was bought for one other couple for $3900.

We have been told not to buy things while walking on the street. Rashid will bring the items on the bus. What a scene. The co driver is holding to door closed to keep the men from getting on the bus. Rashid brings the different things on to the bus and the price is set. He knows what we should pay. A very good system. And the begging people are standing there. Since our windows can not open, we are safe.

Location:Agra, India

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